Friday, November 20, 2009

Pattern is Recognizable - Elements Are Individual

A blue building in yellow green
Anomalous orange aspen leaves
Finger against them
Yellow green quaking
Animating grey sticks
Plates waving
An earth quake
Tiny yellow quagmire
Mounds multiple and decadent
Grey path exploding into fragments
Quartz white pink
Spreading tendrils
Red veins
Burgundy bottoms
My shadow taking light
My hip being pushed by stone
Sharp press splitting up
A glabrous group
Of eight
The inner Two erect the second two
Relaxed and sensuous
The next two with scratches
Then the next ruined by rubbing
On other growth
Alabaster colour of flesh
Rock ruination
A human accomplishment
One chicory blue twisted
Flower left against a dark stem
Featureless and bright
Receiving all this into space
Sun low and glancing
Across my body
Toward the sun rolling out glints
Of juice and moisture
Airy puffs of plant heads
Of grass hanging
All shaking with the earth
Dark on light
Light on dark
Blue on yellow

Monday, April 16, 2007

Stone Travel, Hard Bargain to Paestum

Stone Feet

Stone Traveller Travelling

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Paestum, stone traveller descending, (after Artemisia Gentilleschi)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Paestum- silver move with lintel

Paestum- reflection move

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Paestum Flat Top Move #3

Paestum Flat Top Move #2-Bronze

Monday, January 29, 2007

Paestum Flat Top Move #1

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

T-Move With Double Suns, Ggantija sequence

Monday, January 01, 2007

Stone Entry Movement, Hagar Qim

Moving Stones, Hagar Qim

T-Move With Blue Green Shirt, Hagar Qim

T-Move With Eclipse Of The Sun, Hagar Qim

Sunday, December 31, 2006

T-Move with Ray Bans, Dingli Cliffs

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Movement 4, Malta, Dingli Cliffs

Movement 4, Malta, Dingli Cliffs (tourist with temple move)

Movement 4, Malta, Dingli Cliffs

Movement 3, Malta, Hagar Qim, stone wall projection

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Movement 2 component 3, stone wall projection


Movement 2 component 3

Movement 2 component 2

Movement 2 component 1, stone wall projection

Movement 2 component 1

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Movement 2, Malta, Siege Monument Manipulation

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Movement 1, Malta, Upper Baraka Gardens

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Why call? She felt it as a betrayal, her affection given and then gone. Why the investment in all that kindness? Her kindness had never wavered, (even though she sensed there was nothing abject about Florence, and her ability to fly really, really, well made anything other than kindness futile). Kindness was constantly required to maintain their relationship and at times it taxed her so that she watched television and left the pigeon outside to its own devices. But then she went outside again a kindly young goddess of sidewalk pigeons kindly dispensing kernels of corn.

Why keep them on the phone? That day, like everyday, she had gone to school close by. She was at school nearby and when she came out into the open air at recess she looked across the road and thought about the pigeon. She mentally catalogued the bird's talents, the bobbing head, its oily sheen, the pigeon toes, and especially the bilateral syncopation of a racing pigeon's flight. Why open a dialogue? The bracelet was a hidden code, it belonged in the world of air not electricity. As it happened you could turn a pigeon on and off like a light bulb, she was always being told to turn off the light .

Why decode it? Some mysteries are meant to teach and should not be destroyed by understanding. She saw a car through the fence and she was curious but she put her curiosity in her pocket for the long school day. She let the car fade into the shrubs, their blossoms and bees and wondered hard if she would ever have a life with drama to write about. She could confide in Florence how she chafed in the everyday world and how she flew in its powerful undercurrents like Florence flew in air. It was curiosity not civil responsibility and the pigeon was gone.

The shape of absence is uncertainty. People and places should be gathered together, places to fly away from, not places left shattered and broken. When parts become separate and unrelated it means the end of habits and careless assumptions. The shape of absence is inevitable. The shape of absence is the problematic space between 2 and5.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Florence was lost. The pigeon's coded ankle bracelet included a number of a telephone connection. The pigeon was a long way away from her connection. She thought of the pigeon racing home, a home racing pigeon, becoming disoriented – experiencing no correcting nudges from the inner compass, cut off from the big dipper – blown off course by inclement weather wings beating and beating until their strength was gone flying on and on buffeted by terrible winds until finally seeing a light below and it was her home that had finally drawn the pigeon back down to earth. But the bird gave her a look and there was something in that look, a quizzical raised eyebrow of a look with a side ways tilting of the oily head pecking another piece of corn. Was the bird lost, a victim of the elements? Or had the pigeon taken off? Florence could be a rebel pigeon out on the lam, strutting and bobbing up the sidewalk and pecking up all the free corn she could get. Not a bad scene for a former slave bird, a winged gladiator whose cage was opened in strange places. Property of a sportsman who sent the bird winging with all the ambitious and high powered and well bred of racing pigeon kind. It hit her like a blow to the chest, Florence wasn't lost she had escaped. The bird was here to strut, unencumbered by her genetic inheritance. Like a third generation lawyer in the family the pigeon had seen it all and wanted something else out of life.

Beat Wing

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Architecture II

An entrance is symmetrical, right and left, down an avenue, diamonds and trees – symmetry. What is the beam? What is the lintel? What is the corbelled roof? What is the dome? And what about hair? Some days she can have a good hair day left and a bad hair day right. Some days she has a good hair day right and a bad hair day left. Some days the right side of her hair is medium bad and the left side of her hair is medium good. Other days the right side of her hair is medium good and the left side of her hair is medium bad. She has only one crown, if she had a double crown that would be symmetry. But her single pinwheel of hair organization seems to have a follicle embedded independent entity life of its own that plots against symmetry. Does she ever find herself in a symmetrical - bilaterally symmetrical good hair day? No she does not. Does She ever find herself in a bilaterally symmetrical bad hair day? In the few hours of morning before she conquers the nodal mischief maker in her crown. Architecture strives to regain world symmetry with angles and curves, placing hidden sources of light, behind boxes or open in hanging luminescence pointing to that single destructive surface.

Friday, January 27, 2006


She didn't invent Florence. Florence isn't fiction. Florence is a real person – pigeon. When she met Florence she was a nine year old – a very lonely nine year old. Florence was not a common variety of feathered vermin. The kind of pigeon trapped and disposed of in the squares of ancient Italian cities, or squatting for free in an empty barn loft. Florence was a racing pigeon! Her wrinkled right leg sported a bracelet around its ankle. Her anklet moved when she walked pigeon toed. A pigeon with its own jewellery was an acquaintance of consequence. Approached carefully or perhaps viewed accidentally on purpose from a supine position Florence's anklet could be seen to contain coded information, like the disc on Voyager meant to explain the human race to other, perhaps silicon based, life forms. She approaches Florence upright and from the front. She walks, left foot left arm, right foot right arm, first one side and then the other. Florence is transfixed and then explodes. The pigeon flings herself up and into the sky wings beating in a fluid symmetrical syncopation – beat, right wing left wing together, beat – left wing right wing together. Standing – still - she flaps her arms up then down together, up then down together.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Back and Forth

When opposites are mutually contingent are they not symmetrical halves of one whole. Is this a bilaterally symmetrical whole? How is a circle symmetrical? She wonders is a circle two-ness? dynamic, or one-ness? a static whole. Is the soul singular or plural? bilaterally symmetrical? The chicken with the quail brain cells is a chicken in all respects but its voice. What is she in all respects but her fear? Are fear and self bilaterally symmetrical? Being - still - she holds up her left side, it is stronger. It holds her up while her right side goes and goes, fast and slow. The sides move one at a time - lunging, waving, pointing. The left lunge is a little deeper the right lunge is smoother unimpeded. She wonders why one side is dominant. Why don't both sides equally share?

EDIFICATION, A Visual Essay Below

Proto Architecture/ place

Architecture/ binding

Architecture/ cultural symmetry

Architecture/ boundless

Saturday, January 14, 2006


She reads about measuring bilateral symmetry in men. In their limbs. They are asked to dance to songs, a computer watches and records their movements, evaluates their limber symmetry. The computer plays for women, they watch. The women see the men dancing and they are asked by the computer to choose the ones they most admire. The women search themselves, left brain right brain, left brain right brain, left brain right brain and then they designate this one, that one. The computer correlates their choices with its own analysis, the men with the most quantifiably symmetrical limbs, moved with the most fluidity, the most fluid movers correspond to the designations of the watching women.The computer's program is bilaterally symmetrical, the women are bilaterally symmetrical but she knows that men are fluid movers.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


She makes dishes, stews and pies and still she fiddles around unyielding frozen shapes to stash away three more containers - asymmetry! She lets them lie waiting for the next three containers of something else and shifting them sideways she slithers in a single frozen steak pie. She lets it lie in that yearning state implying its other. She thinks of the heightened intensity of Baroque feeling that resides in the accidental gesture of the frostbitten pastry. She is accumulating, feeling fiercely, and well ready to scold anyone who ventures near the processed meats.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Pigeon Culture

She walks beside Florence, taking mincing steps, keeping pace with her. When she looks down at Florence's feet she watches the three screaming toes cross in front of each other right over left then left over right. An essential aspect of her companion's progress seems to be distraction. The feathered throat stretches in and out with each step. Predictably, Florence is taking that throat motion into pecking and ingesting corn and is noticeably pigeon toed. Her arms swing back and forth with the same foot and then with the opposite foot, she marches off swinging her arms left right, left right. A ritual motion to banish the unease found in the lack of bilateral symmetry.